===> Show me some poems by Robert Frost

Robert Frost

A Boy's Will, North of Boston, New Hampshire

Source: Wikipedia

Frost, Robert Lee

  • 'Out, Out–'
       The buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard
  • A Boundless Moment
       He halted in the wind, and--what was that
  • A Brook In The City
       The firm house lingers, though averse to square
  • A Considerable Speck
       A speck that would have been beneath my sight
  • A Dream Pang
       I had withdrawn in forest, and my song
  • A Hillside Thaw
       To think to know the country and now know
  • A Hundred Collars
       Lancaster bore him--such a little town,
  • A Line-Storm Song
       The line-storm clouds fly tattered and swift.
  • A Minor Bird
       I have wished a bird would fly away,
  • A Passing Glimpse
       I often see flowers from a passing car
  • A Patch of Old Snow
       There's a patch of old snow in a corner
  • A Peck of Gold
       Dust always blowing about the town,
  • A Prayer in Spring
       Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
  • A Servant to Servants
       I didn't make you know how glad I was
  • A Soldier
       He is that fallen lance that lies as hurled,
  • A Time to Talk
       When a friend calls to me from the road
  • A Winter Eden
       A winter garden in an alder swamp,
  • Acceptance
       When the spent sun throws up its rays on cloud
  • Acquainted With The Night
       I have been one acquainted with the night.
  • After Apple Picking
       My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree
  • Aim was Song, The
       Before man came to blow it right
  • An Old Man's Winter Night
       All out of doors looked darkly in at him
  • Armful, The
       For every parcel I stoop down to seize
  • Atmosphere
       Winds blow the open grassy places bleak;
  • Ax-helve, The
       I’ve known ere now an interfering branch
  • Bear, The
       The bear puts both arms around the tree above her
  • Bereft
       Where had I heard this wind before
  • Birches
       When I see birches bend to left and right
  • Birthplace, The
       Here further up the mountain slope
  • Black Cottage, The
       We chanced in passing by that afternoon
  • Blue-Butterfly Day
       It is blue-butterfly day here in spring,
  • Blueberries
       "You ought to have seen what I saw on my way
  • Bond and Free
       Love has earth to which she clings
  • Canis Major
       The great Overdog
  • Cocoon, The
       As far as I can see this autumn haze
  • Code, The
       There were three in the meadow by the brook
  • Cow in Apple-Time, The
       Something inspires the only cow of late
  • Death of the Hired Man, The
       Mary sat musing on the lamp-flame at the table
  • Demiurge's Laugh, The
       It was far in the sameness of the wood;
  • Design
       I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,
  • Devotion
       The heart can think of no devotion
  • Door in the Dark, The
       In going from room to room in the dark,
  • Dust in the Eyes
       If, as they say, some dust thrown in my eyes
  • Dust of Snow
       The way a crow
  • Evening in a Sugar Orchard
       From where I lingered in a lull in march
  • Exposed Nest, The
       You were forever finding some new play.
  • Fear, The
       A lantern light from deeper in the barn
  • Fire and Ice
       Some say the world will end in fire;
  • Fireflies in The Garden
       Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
  • Flood, The
       Blood has been harder to dam back than water.
  • Flower Boat, The
       The Fisherman's swapping a yarn for a yarn
  • Flower-Gathering
       I left you in the morning,
  • For Once, Then, Something
       Others taunt me with having knelt at well-curbs
  • Fragmentary Blue
       Why make so much of fragmentary blue
  • Freedom of the Moon, The
       I've tried the new moon tilted in the air
  • Gathering Leaves
       Spades take up leaves
  • Generations of Men, The
       A governor it was proclaimed this time,
  • Ghost House
       I dwell in a lonely house I know
  • Going for Water
       The well was dry beside the door,
  • Good Hours
       I had for my winter evening walk--
  • Good-bye, and Keep Cold
       This saying good-bye on the edge of the dark
  • Grindstone, The
       Having a wheel and four legs of its own
  • Gum-Gatherer, The
       There overtook me and drew me in
  • Hannibal
       Was there even a cause too lost,
  • Hill Wife, The
       One ought not to have to care
  • Home Burial
       He saw her from the bottom of the stairs
  • Housekeeper, The
       I let myself in at the kitchen door.
  • Hyla Brook
       By June our brook's run out of song and speed.
  • I Will Sing You One-O
       It was long I lay
  • Immigrants
       No ship of all that under sail or steam
  • In a Disused Graveyard
       The living come with grassy tread
  • In Hardwood Groves
       The same leaves over and over again!
  • In Neglect
       They leave us so to the way we took,
  • Into My Own
       One of my wishes is that those dark trees,
  • Investment, The
       Over back where they speak of life as staying
  • Iota Subscript
       Seek not in me the bit I capital,
  • Kitchen Chimney, The
       Builder, in building the little house,
  • Last Mowing, The
       There's a place called Far-away Meadow
  • Line-Gang, The
       Here come the line-gang pioneering by,
  • Lockless Door, The
       It went many years,
  • Lodged
       The rain to the wind said,
  • Love and A Question
       A stranger came to the door at eve,
  • Meeting and Passing
       As I went down the hill along the wall
  • Mending Wall
       Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
  • Misgiving
       All crying, 'We will go with you, O Wind!'
  • Mountain, The
       The mountain held the town as in a shadow
  • Mowing
       There was never a sound beside the wood but one,
  • My Butterfly
       Thine emulous fond flowers are dead, too,
  • My November Guest
       My Sorrow, when she's here with me,
  • Need of Being Versed in Country Things, The
       The house had gone to bring again
  • Not to Keep
       They sent him back to her. The letter came
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay
       Nature's first green is gold,
  • Now Close the Windows
       Now close the windows and hush all the fields:
  • October
       O hushed October morning mild,
  • On a Tree Fallen Across The Road
       The tree the tempest with a crash of wood
  • On Going Unnoticed
       As vain to raise a voice as a sigh
  • On Looking Up By Chance At The Constellations
       You'll wait a long, long time for anything much
  • Once by the Pacific
       The shattered water made a misty din.
  • Onset, The
       Always the same, when on a fated night
  • Our Singing Strength
       It snowed in spring on earth so dry and warm
  • Oven Bird, The
       There is a singer everyone has heard,
  • Pan With Us
       Pan came out of the woods one day,--
  • Pasture, The
       I'm going out to clean the pasture spring;
  • Peaceful Shepard, The
       If heaven were to do again,
  • Place for a Third
       Nothing to say to all those marriages!
  • Plowmen
       I hear men say to plow the snow.
  • Putting in the Seed
       You come to fetch me from my work to-night
  • Range-Finding
       The battle rent a cobweb diamond-strung
  • Reluctance
       Out through the fields and the woods
  • Revelation
       We make ourselves a place apart
  • Riders
       The surest thing there is is we are riders,
  • Road Not Taken, The
       Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
  • Rose Family, The
       The rose is a rose
  • Rose Pogonias
       A saturated meadow,
  • Runaway, The
       Once when the snow of the year was beginning to fall,
  • Sand Dunes
       Sea waves are green and wet,
  • Self-Seeker, The
       "Willis, I didn't want you here to-day:
  • Sitting by a Bush in Broad Sunlight
       When I spread out my hand here today,
  • Sound of the Trees, The
       I wonder about the trees
  • Spring Pools
       These pools that, though in forests, still reflect
  • Star-Splitter, The
       You know Orien always comes up sideways.
  • Stars
       How countlessly they congregate
  • Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
       Whose woods these are I think I know.
  • Telephone, The
       'When I was just as far as I could walk
  • Thatch, The
       Out alone in the winter rain,
  • The Egg and the Machine
       He gave the solid rail a hateful kick.
  • Times Table, The
       More than halfway up the pass
  • To E. T.
       I slumbered with your poems on my breast
  • To Earthward
       Love at the lips was touch
  • To the Thawing Wind
       Come with rain. O loud Southwester!
  • Tree at My Window
       Tree at my window, window tree,
  • Trial By Existence, The
       Even the bravest that are slain
  • Tuft of Flowers, The
       I went to turn the grass once after one
  • Two Look at Two
       Love and forgetting might have carried them
  • Valley’s Singing Day, The
       The sound of the closing outside door was all.
  • Vanishing Red, The
       He is said to have been the last Red man
  • Vantage Point, The
       If tired of trees I seek again mankind,
  • What Fifty Said
       When I was young my teachers were the old.
  • Wood-Pile, The
       Out walking in the frozen swamp one grey day
  • Source: eMule.com